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Retreat Schedule for 2024

Here is an outline of the Retreat Schedule for 2024!
As always, the schedule may evolve or change and we will do our best to keep everyone posted. Please note that costumes are never required but always gently encouraged...
Wednesday, Sept. 11th
REGISTRATION - From Noon to 5pm
Welcome to the Historical Romance Retreat!
Check in on the 2nd Floor outside the HRR Emporium and receive your bag of goodies with a few surprises.
HRR Emporium is OPEN from Noon to 5pm
As always, the store changes each day, so don't forget to stop in and see what wonderful treasures we've found just for you!
Welcome Party
Celebrate the fabulous '40's with us at this USO themed gala! A wonderful informal mixer to kick things off at the Retreat! Be ready to kick up your heels and swing dance (if you're "In the Mood"...) Come in any period costume you prefer (or come as you are!) and meet Authors, fellow Readers and new Friends at HRR 2024!
Drinks and Light Appetizers will be served.
Thursday, Sept. 12th
HRR Emporium is OPEN! - From 8am to 4pm
As always, the store changes daily, so don't forget to stop in and see what wonderful treasures we've found just for you!
WORKSHOPS and PRESENTATIONS - 8:30am to 3:30pm
Interactive and Unforgettable
A day of workshops and themed presentations for you to choose from presented by our authors and experts on a variety of wonderful topics. There is something for everyone at the Retreat!
HRR Afternoon Tea
The Time Traveller's Tea
A true Retreat tradition, this elegant event takes a Steampunk turn that H.G. Wells would be proud to see. Gears and your imagination rule for this afternoon's hat contest, but as always, any era is welcome! Sponsored by Author Sahara Kelly.
Queen Maeb's Affaire
The Hidden Kingdom is in full view and be prepared for wings and mischief at this Regency party. Gossip and secrets are the currency of the day and you'll have to watch your step to guarantee magical rewards (and avoid a fairy's curse ;-) )
Drinks and Light Appetizers will be served.
Friday, Sept. 13th
HRR Emporium is OPEN! - From 8am to 5pm
As always, the store changes daily, so don't forget to stop in and see what wonderful treasures we've found just for you!
HRR's Gambling Night
In a time traveler's wake, this Gambling Hall has sprung up with new games and a few twists on our HRR traditions. Victorian rake hells and those from any era who do not fear scandal are welcome to try their luck at Lady Bernard's wicked establishment! Play games for a chance to win incredible prize baskets from our authors and sponsors!
Drinks and Light Appetizers will be served.
WORKSHOPS and PRESENTATIONS - 8:30am to 3:30pm
Interactive and Unforgettable
Another day of workshops and themed presentations for you to choose from presented by our authors and experts on a variety of wonderful topics. There is something for everyone at the Retreat!
Saturday, Sept. 14th
HRR Book Fair
This spectacular sales and signing event is free and open to the public. HRR attendees will have early access to the fair at 1pm. Shipping will be available to allow you to shop without worrying about carrying your treasures home ;-).
HRR Grand Ball
Anything Goes on this Magical Night! Dress in any era is encouraged at this costume ball that will be the finale of this unique Retreat. Lords and ladies will revel at this elegant affair (until their Time Machines require a return to their own period). Our Golden Ticket winner will be announced and a new king or queen will be crowned!
Drinks and Appetizers will be served.
Sunday, Sept. 15th
With so may traveling, we'll make the HRR Farewell Breakfast more informal this year... Meet us on the 2nd Floor for final farewells and a chance to grab a bite before you leave for your return to the modern world!
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